Summer Detox 2019

A 5-Day Whole Foods Detox to Help You Feel Better, Have More Energy, and Look Great In Your Shorts and Bathing suit!

A 5-Day Whole Foods Detox to Help You Feel Better, Have More Energy, and Look Great In Your Shorts and Bathing suit!

Group program runs June 24-28

Summer is here! Are you ready? I know you want to feel great in your skin this summer (who doesn’t?!), but I’ll bet you aren’t willing to give up eating delicious food and feel hungry all the time. Good thing you’ve landed here! Losing weight by starving yourself is no fun, and I can tell you it doesn’t work for the long haul. Learn how this detox can help you can re-set your eating habits by focusing on eating healthy whole foods and understanding what to feed your body what it really wants.

With the 5-Day Detox for Beginners You Will:

  • Totally re-set your eating habits so you can get back on track with your health goals

  • Curb your sugar and carb cravings, and stop eating the junk that keeps sneaking back into your diet 

  • Enjoy a whole-foods based cleanse with lots of support and yummy recipes

  • Learn how to really feed your body so you have radiant health and energy, rather than relying on caffeine and sugar to get you through the day

Why do a detox, anyway?  Don't our bodies know how to get clean all on their own?  

The truth of the matter is that we live in a toxic world, and we're exposed to pollutants on a daily basis, whether it's pesticides in our food, fumes from traffic, or even toxic materials used to make computers and phones.  Our bodies can only handle so much toxic input at a time, and when we get overloaded, we often experience negative symptoms like headaches, irritability, belly fat, bloating, breakouts, fatigue and more.

Detoxes can help to:  

  • Rev up your metabolism.  A properly done detox can be great for re-setting your metabolism and burning fat that's been clinging to your body for years.

  • Give your body a break!  Digestion takes a lot of energy, and it's important to give our digestive systems a break every now and then so they can repair damage done from foods that can damage them, like fried, processed, and sugary treats.   

  • Reset your habits.  Have you noticed that you're reaching for the candy bowl more often than before?  Are you drinking more wine than water these days?  Cleanses are great for helping you become aware of your bad habits so you can start changing them.   

  • Make you feel better than you’ve ever felt before. Many of my detox clients tell me they have more energy, sleep better, and have more drive for life than ever before – pretty incredible for just 5 days!

Yeah, but…will this really work for me?

I know there are a lot of detoxes out there promising to be a miracle cure, but the 5-Day Detox for Beginners is different because it focuses on introducing lots of healthy, nutrient dense foods into your diet rather than restricting you to a few foods and drinks.

This detox is for you if:

  • You reach for a can of Diet Coke or a chocolate bar when the clock hits 3:00 PM.

  • You usually eat pretty well, but you find yourself craving the opportunity to lighten up this spring. 

  • You know you want to eat better, but you’re just not sure where to start

  • You want to find out how to feed your body for real instead of following another fad diet

  • You know things need to change, but you also know you need some support and guidance to get healthy the RIGHT way

What you’ll get with the 5-Day Detox for Beginners kit:

  • A done-for-you detox guide that tells you exactly what to do and when, so you’ll never be left wondering whether you’re doing things right

  • Step-by-step guidance that will make sure your 5-Day Detox is a success!

  • A recipe guide to help you get the maximum detoxification possible while still eating really tasty foods

  • Direct support from me via the online virtual support forum the week of June 24-28

  • Guidance on how you can get your family involved during your detox week so you don’t feel like you’re a short-order cook

Doing a cleanse should not feel like torture. This detox helps you get in tune with yourself and sets you up for developing habits for future success. By signing up, I’ll make sure it’s worth it for you! In fact, you'll get the following bonuses just for signing up!

  • Bonus #1:  A detailed recipe guide for juices and smoothies.

  • Bonus #2:  A shopping list to take all the stress out of figuring out how many onions, bunches of kale, and carrots you need to buy - it's already done for you!   

  • Bonus #3: A post-detox strategy session with me to help you figure out what to do next and how you can avoid going back to your old habits.

  • Bonus #4: Bonus tips on how you can deepen your detox to get the most out of your week, including what to do if you have to eat out.

Because I want you to have a healthy start to this spring, you’ll invest just $97 ($77 for early-birds!) to re-set your eating habits, curb your cravings, and feel light and vibrant. This is a seriously awesome deal - did you notice all those bonuses?!

You can find YOUR glow for the very low investment of only $97! I’m also offering early-bird discounts if you sign up by June 20 for only $77.

Have questions? Great. I’d love to help you figure out if this is the right program for you. Send me an email at and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Medical Disclaimer: This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to educate you about how to take care of your body and as a self-help tool for your own use so that you can reach your own health goals. It is not intended to treat or cure any specific illness and is not to replace the guidance provided by your own medical practitioner. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. If you suspect you have a medical problem, we urge you to take appropriate action by seeking medical attention.