
Healing Properties of Herbs and Spices

We have all used herbs and spices are used in cooking, but they’ve also been used in tinctures and medicinally since ancient times. They are powerful in their healing abilities but they also add great flavor and depth when cooking! We’re going to be talking about some of the benefits of herbs and spices, and I will share some of my favorites with you. I’ll be sure to provide some great resources as well if you’re interested in doing some of your own research!

Benefits of herbs/spices:

  • They are loaded with polyphenols, which are antioxidants with powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Some of the most powerful sources include: oregano, sage, clove, allspice, and cinnamon.

  • Many herbs and spices are antimicrobial, meaning they help fight infections and ward off disease. These include: thyme, sage, oregano, basil, cloves, and mint.

  • Many herbs and spices help create balance in our gut microbiome, including turmeric, ginger, parsley, peppermint, and cardamom. 

Toby’s Favorites!

  1. Turmeric - Curcumin, which is the main active ingredient in turmeric, is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Try this turmeric latte as a comforting afternoon treat :)

  2. Cinnamon - also a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties, but it’s also been shown to help lower and stabilize blood sugar levels. Try adding cinnamon into your morning oatmeal or smoothie!

  3. Thyme - it’s packed with vitamin C and is a great source of vitamin A as well. It also contains a compound called carvacrol, that has been shown to be a natural mood booster! Here is one of my favorite roast chicken recipes with lots of thyme!

  4. Rosemary - another great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Rosemary has also been shown to relieve muscle aches and improve memory and cognitive function. Try these rosemary and garlic roasted potatoes!

  5. Basil - Again, this herb contains powerful antioxidants and is anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. Traditionally, basil has been used to reduce bloating and help with overall digestion. Try my lemony-basil pesto as a pasta sauce or dipping sauce for grilled chicken or vegetables!

Ways to Incorporate More Herbs into your Diet:

  • Add herbs (like rosemary, thyme, and oregano) when roasting vegetables

  • Throw mint, cinnamon, or ginger into a smoothie 

  • Add spices (like bay leaves, cumin, and fennel) to your soups and stews for a flavor boost

  • Check out this link as a guide for how to use herbs/spices in your cooking

Sources and additional reading: