It’s the final month of 2019 - let’s end this year on a good note by building habits that will keep our minds and bodies healthy during the holiday season. What do your mornings currently look like? Do they feel balanced, energizing, calming? Are they chaotic, rushed, draining?
Hopefully they are more like the first scenario, but if they aren’t, then I have some tips to help get you there! By building a morning routine, you can benefit your mind and body in a multitude of ways, and the good news is, a morning routine doesn’t have to take up much time at all! It can be as simple as taking a few minutes to stretch or breathe deeply. Read on to hear more about the benefits of building a morning routine and TIPS for how to create one that you can really stick with!
Benefits of Establishing a Morning Routine:
Mornings predict how the rest of your day will go. Starting your day with structure will help bring about a sense of calm and leave you prepared for whatever your day will bring.
Research shows that routine helps to reduce anxiety and depression.
Establishing a morning routine helps with focus and productivity.
Toby’s Tips for Building a Morning Routine:
Sometimes we are lucky enough to have time for a morning hike, but if the only morning movement you can squeeze in is a few minutes of stretching, that is great too!
Start Small - In order to build long term behavior change, make the desired change small enough so that you will stick with it. That way it will become a habit.
Enjoy a Mindfulness Practice - This might mean, taking two long, deep breaths before getting out of bed or thinking about three things you are grateful for. Morning mindfulness practices are associated with increased energy, focus, and a sense of calm.
Build in Movement - This might mean 2 minutes of stretches or sun salutations (they can even be done in bed) or a quick walk around the block. Moving your body first thing in the morning helps you wake up your muscles after being horizontal for so many hours, but it also gets your blood circulating, which provides you with the energy you need to get started with your day!
Get Hydrated - Drinking a tall glass of water first thing in the morning (before your coffee!) rehydrates your body after a night’s rest, can boost your metabolism, flush out toxins, and improve digestion.
Wake up at around the same time each morning - By doing so, your internal clock will run smoothly, allowing for more restful nights and more energized days!
Sources and Additional Reading: