Breakfast! Should I Eat It?

Are you rushing out the door in the mornings? Is breakfast an afterthought? Today, we’re talking all things breakfast! That means: what kinds of food you should eat to fuel you for the day, what are quick and easy ways to enjoy nourishing breakfasts, and whether or not breakfast is for you!

Why Should I Eat Breakfast in the Mornings?

Once you wake up and get going in the morning, your body needs fuel to have energy throughout the day and to repair and rebuild tissues and cells. By eating a high-quality breakfast, you’re setting yourself up for success by helping to rev up your metabolism, reduce hunger, and prevent blood sugar imbalances. Plus, you’re more likely to stick with healthier eating habits throughout the day.

Now, sometimes it’s okay, even helpful, to skip breakfast in order to give your digestive system a rest. However, many people skip breakfast for the wrong reasons, like being too tired, wanting to avoid calories, rushing to work.... However, not having breakfast can lead to fatigue, intense cravings, and binging on unhealthy snacks later in the day.

Finally, we’re all our own unique selves and therefore our needs differ. My advice is: listen to your body. If you feel hungry or low-energy in the mornings, don’t try to avoid or mask these signs by grabbing a coffee first thing. Rather, nourish yourself with nutrients in the form of high-quality proteins, fats, and complex (fiber-rich) carbs to give your body what it needs to function optimally.

What Should I Even be Eating for Breakfast?

So many breakfast foods out there have sugar hiding in them, like yogurts, granolas, oatmeals, jams, store-bought breads, etc... All of this sugar spikes blood sugar levels (so we’re feeling hungry a couple hours later), and can lead to long-term conditions like inflammation, weight gain, and diabetes.

What should you eat instead? High quality proteins (pasture raised eggs, quinoa, nut butters), high quality fats (avocados, smoked salmon, coconut oil), leafy green vegetables (spinach, kale, chard), and complex carbohydrates (fruits, sweet potatoes, beans, rolled oats). I know there’s been a lot of talk about eggs and whether or not they increase our chances of heart disease - check out my blog, where I address this topic in detail!

What’s Quick, Easy, and Nourishing?


I personally love smoothies as they are a quick and a great nutrient-dense option. Try adding berries (high in antioxidants, low in sugar), nut butters, spinach, and avocado for a powerhouse combination. When I have time, I’ll saute spinach and scramble or fry some eggs in coconut oil. It really only takes a few minutes! Also, I almost always have leftover roasted sweet potatoes (a fiber-rich, complex carb) saved in the fridge that I’ll add to the pan as well.

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