5 Ways to Stay Healthy This Summer!

Can you believe it’s already June? May flew by way too quickly in my opinion, but I can’t complain because that means summer is here, my favorite season by far! While summers in San Francisco aren’t quite what they are on the east coast (or really anywhere else in the country), I still love them. I can access hot, sunny weather with a quick trip north, south, or east - 30 minutes and I’m somewhere beautiful and warm. Also, summer for me means lots of trips back east to see my family and friends, where I’ll get to hang at the beach, swim in pools, and get some serious doses of vitamin D!

No matter where you happen to be this summer, with this change of season, it’s a chance for us to start fresh and take a moment to reflect. While we want to feel lighter in these summer months, we are often overloaded with BBQs, work drinks, wedding weekends, summer getaways; all where we’re confronted with sugary drinks, ice cream, burgers, etc… So what can you do to stay healthy and feel great??

Here are 5 tips for staying healthy this summer!

  1. Stay hydrated. In the summer months, your body loses more fluids, so it’s extra important to keep drinking water! By drinking more water, you’ll flush out toxins, improve digestion, and increase your energy. Our bodies are mostly made of water and we need adequate amounts to function optimally!

  2. Eat cooling foods. Ayurvedic teaching tells us that when we’re in hot, humid weather, our body, digestive system, and mind functions best with cooling, bitter, and sweet foods. Try adding in seasonal fresh produce, like: fennel, asparagus, bitter greens, cucumbers, berries, cilantro, and watermelon. Try my healthier blueberry crisp as a guilt-free dessert :)

  3. Get moving! Exercise improves mood, helps with weight loss, and can help you sleep better. This summer, try adding in more outdoor activity by swimming, running, hiking, and biking.

  4. Schedule time for yourself. Summer tends to be an incredibly busy and social time of year. Keep in mind that you need time to reset, sleep, and relax. Your mind and body will thank you! On these nights, get some exercise, take care of yourself (facial, massage, meditation…), eat cleanly (provide your body with nutrient-rich foods), and avoid drinking (give your liver a rest). Make sure to actually pencil in these dates with yourself so that you make them happen.

  5. Wear SPF! Protect your skin with high quality sunscreen to reduce sun damage. Check out this link for top safe sunscreen lines.

summer greens salad with massaged kale, cucumber, peas, and avocado

summer greens salad with massaged kale, cucumber, peas, and avocado