Reflections on the Coronavirus

With the rapid spread of coronavirus and the many restrictions we now face, many of us might be feeling worried, anxious, and overwhelmed. What can we do right now? We can take care of ourselves and our loved ones, we can do our best to support our communities and local businesses, and we can try to see the positive in all of this. 

How to Take Care of Ourselves and Loved Ones:

  1. Eat Well - consume nutrient-rich foods loaded with vitamins and minerals to keep your immune system in great shape! Try to eat lots of colorful veggies, fiber, protein, and healthy fats at each meal!

  2. Sleep - this is a great time to focus on getting enough sleep and finding a sleep routine that works for you. Plus, sleep also supports a strong immune system!

  3. Stay Hydrated - We need to stay hydrated in order to keep our cells, tissues, and organs functioning optimally!

  4. Practice Mindfulness - Meditation or other mindfulness exercises can reduce stress and anxiety, which is especially important as so much scary and depressing activity is taking place in the world around us.

  5. Stay Active - While gyms and yoga studios are closed, try to find ways you can keep moving, whether that’s through online workout videos or getting outside for walks/runs.

How to Best Support Our Communities:

Right now our communities and local businesses are struggling. Many are out of a job and businesses fear for what’s to come with having to shut down or greatly reduce their services.

  1. Support local restaurants by getting take-out/delivery if that’s an option. Many are also offering gift cards for future use, which will help keep them afloat at the moment.

  2. Reach out to neighbors, especially those who are elderly, sick, or with kids at home, and offer to make meals or pick up groceries for them.

  3. Consider supporting those businesses who are dependent on you, for example house cleaners. Continue paying them (at least partially) during the weeks you cannot use their service if that’s a financial option for your family.

  4. Shop local as much as you can! Look up your favorite local businesses and their websites will often share news of how you can help - whether that’s a yoga studio, your juice shop, or your community library. 

  5. Think about the community as a whole, not just yourself. Are you abiding by the regulations that are in place in your city? Are you doing what you can to keep yourself and others safe?

How to See the Positive:

All of us are feeling the immediate impacts of the COVID-19 restrictions in place. Many are now being forced to work from home, keep their kids home from school, cancel travel plans, postpone weddings and other important events, and so on. While it’s okay to feel bummed about the changes in our lives, we can also take a step back, reflect, and see the positive in all of this. Our lives these days are so on-the-go that we rarely have the time to reflect and remember what’s important, like spending quality time with our families, helping those in need, and paying attention to the health of our mind and body. Now, we are in a position where this is somewhat forced upon us - so let’s try our best to enjoy it!

Getting started on the watercoloring again!

Getting started on the watercoloring again!

  1. We are forced to slow down. Our social calendars are empty and travel plans are cancelled. We can relax, read books, go for long walks, catch up on movies and TV shows, do more home cooking, and spend time with our family members at home.

  2. We can reach out to friends and family and really connect. Facetime your high school and college friends. Reach out to your parents and siblings. Take this time to catch up with one another!

  3. With more free time, we can take up new hobbies that we’ve been wanting to try! For me, that is watercoloring. I took a class about a year ago and haven’t touched my paints since! My goal is to do some painting a few times a week.

  4. With the reduction in travel (by car and airplane) and non-essential businesses not in operation, we are doing wonders for our environment. The air is cleaner as carbon dioxide emissions are greatly decreasing.

  5. All around us, people are doing what they can do for those they love and for those in their community. We are seeing the good in so many people as we witness acts of kindness every day. Let’s keep this up and keep doing our parts!

Tips for Working from Home!

So much has changed in our daily lives because of the rapidly spreading coronavirus, and one significant change has been that many of us are now working from home. Working remotely is a huge adjustment for most of us and it might feel strange, worrisome, and even lonely. That's why I have some TIPS for how to make the most of working from home! 

1. Create routine! Do your best to log-in and off at the same times each day.

2. Get dressed before you get started with your work in the mornings. Doesn't have to be anything nice, but get out of those PJs at the very least!

3. Fit in time for daily exercise - there are tons of at-home workouts you can do (via apps or Youtube) and you can always go for a run or walk outside (weather depending)!

4. Take breaks throughout the work day - leave your home and get some fresh air by going for 10-min. walks in your neighborhood.

5. Interact with others - find a couple times a week where you can take a walk or catch up on the phone with a friend or family member.

Healthifying a frozen cauliflower meal with some homemade parsley pesto and arugula!

Healthifying a frozen cauliflower meal with some homemade parsley pesto and arugula!

6. Use this time to eat well! When we aren't eating out, we typically eat a cleaner, healthier diet. Stock your fridge, freezer, and pantry with nourishing foods!

Here are some of my favorite at-home Youtube Workout Videos to try!

Here are some of my favorite pantry-based meals to try!

Are you Getting Enough Sleep??

It’s March! Hopefully the winter blues are for the most part behind us and spring is near! This month, we are talking about sleep! I’ve been working a lot over the past year on trying to improve my sleep. We all know that sleep is important and getting enough of it is essential to our health (more on that later), but many of us really struggle with it! Today, I’m sharing my favorite health tips and resources with you for how to get quality sleep. 



Health Benefits of Getting Enough Sleep!

Did you know that humans are the only species that purposefully deprive themselves of sleep? Clearly we are not designed to do this! Without enough sleep, our brain function, immune health, muscle repair, and hormone functioning are greatly compromised! We can’t just rest when we’re dead and it’s been proven that we can’t just catch up on sleep either - that is a myth! We truly need quality sleep each and every night for sustained cognitive and physical health. 

How much sleep do we really need?

You guessed it! 8 hours. 8 hours is not just a randomly thrown out number that doctors share with you. There is actually lots of evidence backing this up! Read all about those studies here - truly fascinating stuff!

Tips to Improve your Sleep:

  1. The number one thing we can do to improve our sleep is to establish routine. When our sleep-wake cycles are off, we can have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up throughout the night, or feeling fatigued upon awakening. So what can you do? Stick to a sleep schedule with the same bedtime and wake-up-time to the best of your ability. With regularization around sleep, our bodies are able to have regulated circadian rhythms (sleep-wake cycles). 

  2. Create bedtime rituals, such as a nightly meditation, writing in a gratitude journal, reading in bed, having some calming tea…. Routine can reduce stress and anxiety and also signal to your body that it’s time to wind down.

  3. Avoid bluelight close to bed (at least 30 minutes) and get outside in the sunlight early in the morning. Artificial light before bed and not enough light in the mornings can offset your circadian rhythm.

  4. Get movement in during the day! Exercise has been shown to help you fall asleep faster and improve overall sleep quality. 

  5. Have your room sleep-ready! The ideal bedroom temperature for sleep is around 65 degrees. Do what you need to do to make your room a sleep sanctuary - ex. white noise machines, blackout curtains, bedding that you love!

  6. Avoid large meals right before bed. Allow your body time to digest before you get horizontal! 

  7. Watch your caffeine and alcohol intake! Caffeine too late in the day can disrupt sleep, as can too many alcoholic drinks. 

  8. Consider supplements, but always consult with your doctor first! Here are some that might help with sleep improvement:

    1. Melatonin - meant to be taken for a short period of time until your body is able to get into a circadian rhythm on its own - Try 0.5 mg up to 3 mg two hours before bed for 1-2 weeks. 

    2. Magnesium Glycinate - this mineral has been shown to help you fall asleep more quickly and help you sleep deeply. Try a supplement an hour before bed for best results.

    3. Tart Cherry Juice - tart cherries are rich in melatonin, plus they are rich in antioxidants. Try 4 ounces before bed.

Check out my Bedtime Sleep Smoothie made with tart cherry juice for a delicious pre-bedtime snack!

Sources and Additional Reading:

Fun and Unusual Veggies to Try This Winter!

Why eat seasonally? I know I have shared about this in the past, but sometimes it helps to have a refresher! The benefits of eating seasonal produce include the following:

  • Foods that are grown and consumed during their growing seasons are richer in nutrients. Because of that, they’re not only better for our health, but they are also fuller in flavor! 

  • By eating locally grown seasonal produce, you are also reducing your carbon footprint! Your food isn’t coming from far far away, which means fuel emissions and transportation costs have been kept to a minimum. Plus, you’ll be supporting your local farmers!

  • When purchasing seasonal ingredients, you’ll save money! When fruits and vegetables are in season, there’s an abundance of them and they will be sold at a lower cost.

  • You’ll supply your body with a rich variety of nutrients! By changing up the fruits and veggies you are consuming, you are providing your cells with a wide range of vitamins and minerals.

Often times, we get stuck in our routines and find ourselves choosing the same fruits and vegetables week after week at the grocery store. Sometimes, we’ll come across some weird-looking or sounding items in the produce section or at the farmer’s market and be intrigued, but move on because cooking with it seems intimidating. Once my husband and I started getting our CSA farm box about a year and a half ago, it opened our eyes to the many fruits and vegetables that we never knew about or had been wary of over the years. It forced me to get creative and try new recipes, and in the process I discovered how much I enjoyed eating and trying these new foods! SO on that note, here are some of my winter favorites! Where can you find them? Your local farmers market!

  • Celeriac - a root vegetable closely related to celery, parsley and parsnips - ways to prepare: peel away the skin and slice thin to add to a crunchy slaw/salad, roasted, or pureed with cauliflower into a delicious mash!

  • Kohlrabi - it’s either green or purple and looks like a root vegetable, but it is actually related to cabbage - ways to prepare: slice and add to a salad for extra crunch, roasted, added to a creamy soup, sautee the greens with some veggie broth

  • Kumquat - tiny Asian citrus fruits - they look like small oranges and are typically eaten whole - their rind is sweet and the center is sour - ways to prepare: munch on them whole, slice them and add to a salad for some tang

  • Pomelo - the largest out of the citrus fruits and tastes like a milder version of a grapefruit - ways to prepare: slice and eat them, add them to salsas, salads, and marinades

  • Radicchio - a type of chicory with a bitter taste - ways to prepare: sliced thin and added to a salad for crunch and bitterness, roasted, or sauteed to mellow out the flavor

  • Rutabaga - a root vegetable that is part of the cabbage (brassica) family - ways to prepare: roasted, added to soups, or steamed and pureed into a mash (with some cauliflower or potatoes)

  • Turnip - a root vegetable that is part of the cabbage (brassica) family - ways to prepare: roasted, added to soups, or steamed and pureed into a mash (with some cauliflower or potatoes)

For information on how to find a CSA farm box delivery service near you, check out this website

For information on farmers markets close to you, head over here!

Resources and Additional Reading:

Toby’s Tips for Healthy Eating in the Winter Months

HAPPY 2020!! Hope you had a wonderful holiday and that you are gearing up for this new year. With the start of a new year, you can look at it as an opportunity to reflect and set some goals. What went well for you in 2019? What were some healthy habits you established? Is there one or two you want to prioritize as you head into this new year?

Many people start off the new year strong, with specific goals in mind. I remember last year, my yoga studio was jam-packed throughout the month of January. After about six weeks, the classes were back to their normal size. We have to be careful when setting goals because when they are too grand and unreachable, it makes us feel like we’ve failed.

Therefore, a tip I have for when you thinking about resolutions for this new year is to start small and be realistic. For example, if meditation is something you’d like to work on, can you try a 2 minutes morning breathing meditation 2x a week? You can always build up from there! 

Many people start the new year with a goal to eat healthier. I highly encourage and support this goal, and I also want to help make that easier for you! Here are some tips for how to eat healthy, nourishing meals this winter. Read on for my tips for healthy eating in the winter months!

Toby’s Tips for Healthy Eating in the Winter Months:

Load up on those citrus fruits, like navel oranges, blood oranges, and grapefruit!

Load up on those citrus fruits, like navel oranges, blood oranges, and grapefruit!

  1. Load up on vegetables and fruits to provide your body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs. Plus all of those antioxidants that are found in fruits and veggies will keep your immune system in good shape! Try adding fruit to your morning oatmeal, having some citrus fruits as a snack or in your salad, and adding roasted veggies to your grain bowls.

  2. Eat warm, nourishing dishes, like oatmeal, grain bowls, soups and stews. Having cooked food can help improve digestion and saves our internal energy for warming up our body rather than our food. 

  3. Make big batches of whatever it is you’re cooking! With shorter and colder days, sometimes we’re less motivated and resort to a quick + easy fix. By having leftovers easy to reach for, you can have nourishing and delicious lunches and dinner at your fingertips!

Some of my favorite winter recipes from food bloggers:



Happy cooking and happy 2020!!

All about Essential Oils

Essential Oils: What they are and why I love them! 


Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts, the compounds that give plants their distinctive aroma. Since our sense of smell is directly linked to the emotional control centers of our brain, what we smell can have a direct impact on our emotional state.

What are they used for?

Many use essential oils (aromatherapy) to help ease stress or to feel more energized. Others use these oils to help improve sleep, alleviate migraines/headaches, and to even alleviate inflammation. My personal favorite is "gutsy" by Sage and I swear by it when I'm having stomach issues and discomfort. 

Read more about essential oils here:




Benefits of a Morning Routine

It’s the final month of 2019 - let’s end this year on a good note by building habits that will keep our minds and bodies healthy during the holiday season. What do your mornings currently look like? Do they feel balanced, energizing, calming? Are they chaotic, rushed, draining? 

Hopefully they are more like the first scenario, but if they aren’t, then I have some tips to help get you there! By building a morning routine, you can benefit your mind and body in a multitude of ways, and the good news is, a morning routine doesn’t have to take up much time at all! It can be as simple as taking a few minutes to stretch or breathe deeply. Read on to hear more about the benefits of building a morning routine and TIPS for how to create one that you can really stick with!

Benefits of Establishing a Morning Routine:

  • Mornings predict how the rest of your day will go. Starting your day with structure will help bring about a sense of calm and leave you prepared for whatever your day will bring.

  • Research shows that routine helps to reduce anxiety and depression. 

  • Establishing a morning routine helps with focus and productivity. 

Toby’s Tips for Building a Morning Routine:

Sometimes we are lucky enough to have time for a morning hike, but if the only morning movement you can squeeze in is a few minutes of stretching, that is great too!

Sometimes we are lucky enough to have time for a morning hike, but if the only morning movement you can squeeze in is a few minutes of stretching, that is great too!

  • Start Small - In order to build long term behavior change, make the desired change small enough so that you will stick with it. That way it will become a habit. 

  • Enjoy a Mindfulness Practice - This might mean, taking two long, deep breaths before getting out of bed or thinking about three things you are grateful for. Morning mindfulness practices are associated with increased energy, focus, and a sense of calm.

  • Build in Movement - This might mean 2 minutes of stretches or sun salutations (they can even be done in bed) or a quick walk around the block. Moving your body first thing in the morning helps you wake up your muscles after being horizontal for so many hours, but it also gets your blood circulating, which provides you with the energy you need to get started with your day!

  • Get Hydrated - Drinking a tall glass of water first thing in the morning (before your coffee!) rehydrates your body after a night’s rest, can boost your metabolism, flush out toxins, and improve digestion.

  • Wake up at around the same time each morning - By doing so, your internal clock will run smoothly, allowing for more restful nights and more energized days!

Sources and Additional Reading:

Toby's Review: Natural Deodorants

Natural deodorants are somewhat trendy right now, which I am super excited about. In this post, I’ll tell you a little about WHY it is so important to make the switch to natural deodorants (if you haven’t already) and then I will share some of my favorite brands with you!

3 Reasons for Why You Should Switch to Natural Deodorant:

  1. The sweat-blocking, active ingredient in antiperspirants is aluminum, which has been linked to breast cancer and neurological disorders, like Alzheimer’s disease. This is personally a risk I am not willing to take. Another plus for staying away from aluminum is that you will not longer get those yellowed pit stains on all your white shirts :)

  2. In addition, many conventional deodorants have synthetic fragrances, parabens, phthalates, and harsh chemicals, which can interfere with our endocrine system and result in unbalanced hormone levels. 

  3. It is healthy to sweat! You might notice that while natural deodorants help reduce odors, they don’t actually keep you all that dry. Well, sweating is how our bodies get rid of toxins and regulates temperature, which is healthy and essential in our natural detoxing process. Antiperspirants close up pores, which prevents perspiration, but them our sweat just builds up beneath our skin. Not good.

My Recommendations for Natural Deodorant Brands:

There are now so many natural deodorant brands out there (yay!), but it can be a little overwhelming trying to figure out which one(s) to purchase. First of all, we need to keep in mind that we all have a different body chemistry, and our odor is determined by a multitude of factors like: diet, hormones, stress levels, and genetics. Therefore, when you find a natural deodorant that works for you, it might not work quite as well for someone else. It takes a little trial and error to find the best fit! Here are my personal favorites, but there are many more out there! Try a few and see what works best for you.

  1. Schmidts Charcoal Magnesium Natural Deodorant - The activated charcoal helps absorb moisture and odor.

  2. EO Organic Lavender Deodorant Spray - I love the soothing lavender scent and the spray is refreshing.

  3. Native Deodorant - This one keeps away odors, has lots of fun scents, and goes on smooth and comfortably.

  4. Primally Pure Charcoal Deodorant - The baking soda and charcoal help absorb moisture and odor, and the coconut oil helps soothe any irritation.

  5. By Humankind - A very ethical and environmental brand. I love the idea of refillable containers to reduce plastic waste, plus it goes on smooth and the eucalyptus scent is refreshing.

Sources and additional reading:

How to Have a Healthier Holiday Season

Get your movement in no matter the weather!

Get your movement in no matter the weather!

Halloween has come and gone. It’s a new month, which means it’s a great time to check in with yourself and set some health goals, especially as we head into the winter and holiday season. Thanksgiving will be here before we know it - crazy! Thanksgiving and the holiday season usually means lots of sweets and treats everywhere you look, festive cocktails, and lots of parties. So how can you keep your health in check throughout all of this? Read on for my tips and tricks!

Tips and Tricks For Staying Healthy During the Holiday Season:

Keep a glass of water or water bottle near you at all times to remind you to stay hydrated!

Keep a glass of water or water bottle near you at all times to remind you to stay hydrated!

  • Stay Hydrated

    1. Staying hydrated is beneficial for optimal brain function, balanced energy levels, staying regular with digestion, skin health, and in aiding with weight loss. Ideally, you’ll start your day with a big glass of water, before coffee and breakfast. After a night’s sleep, your cells, tissues, and muscles are dehydrated. Replenishing them with enough water should be a priority. Then throughout the day, try to keep a water bottle with you to remind you to stay hydrated.

    2. Also, with the holiday season, you might be having more alcoholic drinks than you typically have. Alcohol is intoxicating and dehydrating. Having enough water helps flush out the toxins and keep us hydrated. 

  • Prioritize Sleep

    1. Try to stick with your bedtime and morning routine so that you can feel rested and energized. While you may have a busier social calendar than usual, remember we need adequate sleep for optimal health. Getting enough sleep contributes to balanced hormone levels, a strong immune system, and brain function to name a few!

  • Focus on Having Nutrient-Dense Meals 

    1. It’s easy to be in control of breakfast, so make sure you start your day with a meal consisting of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. A smoothie, eggs, avocado on whole grain bread, and oatmeal are great options.

    2. When cooking at home, plan nourishing menus that will satisfy your taste buds and leave you feeling energized. Opt for seasonal ingredients, like squash, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, beets, and mushrooms. 

    3. When attending a party or say a Thanksgiving dinner, offer to bring a healthy dish to share, such as these ones here! That way, you can be assured that you’ll have at least one dish that you feel great about eating.

  • Stay Active 

    1. With the holiday season comes a busier social calendar, but do your best to keep up with your exercise routine. If you can’t make it to the gym or your exercise classes, see how you can incorporate movement into your day. Can you walk to work, go for a walk at lunchtime, walk to the party you’re attending? Yes, movement burns calories, but it also contributes to our digestive health, cardiovascular health, immune function, and mood regulation.

  • Indulge, but in Moderation 

    1. Indulging here and there is not going to ruin your health goals. In fact, eating delicious food is social and makes us happy. If we are too restrictive, this can often have a backlash effect. Also remember, if you do slip up and overdo it, don’t beat yourself up. Focus on your next meal, and be sure to rebalance with nutrient-dense foods like fiber-rich vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. 

Back to School Tips and Tricks!

It’s that time of year! School is now in full swing and you’re starting to get back into old routines and probably some new ones too. Today’s newsletter is all about starting the school year off on the right foot, with tips and tricks to keep your family healthy. By building smart habits now, early on in the school year, you will set yourself up for success as the months go on. I myself do not have kids yet, but this content was requested by older siblings and friends!

Tip #1: Start your family off with a nutrient-dense breakfast. Something with protein, healthy fats, and fiber, while being sure to avoid SUGAR (like sugary cereals, flavored yogurts, juices) and simple carbohydrates (like cereals, bagels, muffins, pancakes). 

  • Sugars and carbs give us a temporary energy boost, but they cause a spike in blood sugar levels. When our blood sugar dips, our energy levels do too and we’re more likely to crave sugar and carbs later in the day. 

  • A breakfast high in protein, healthy fats, and fiber keeps us fuller longer, supports brain function, and helps us maintain stable blood sugar levels, providing us with the energy we need for a successful day. 

  • Healthy breakfast ideas:

    • Organic, pasture-raised eggs

    • Avocado toast (on whole grain bread)

    • Oatmeal (not the instant kind!) with almond butter and berries

    • Full-fat organic yogurt topped with berries and walnuts. 

    • Coconut milk chia seed pudding

    • Colorful smoothies (a great way to give your kids a nutrient boost in the morning), like this PINK one!

      In a bind? Try my almond butter banana oat bars for a quick grab-and-go breakfast! 

Tip #2: Pack your child (and yourself) healthy, real-foods (non-processed) snacks to enjoy at school or work. Again, anything with sugar and simple carbs will cause an energy roller coaster, which impacts performance and attention both at school and work. Here are some of my recommendations:

  • Apple slices and sunbutter (or almond butter)

  • Veggies (carrots, celery, snap peas) and hummus

  • Fresh fruit

  • Cheese and Turkey roll ups

  • Hard boiled eggs

  • Ants on a log

  • Grass-fed beef jerky 

  • non-GMO tortilla chips with guacamole and salsa

  • Pumpkin seeds 

  • Roasted sweet potato “fries” with Primal Kitchen Ketchup


Tip #3:  Pack your child and yourself healthy, real-foods (non-processed) lunches to enjoy at school or work. Here are some ideas:

  • Leftover soups and stews in a thermos

  • Frittata

  • Brown rice bowls topped with chicken and veggies

  • Spaghetti squash pasta with turkey meatballs

  • “Cheesy quinoa”

  • Quinoa fried rice

  • Sunbutter and banana wraps

  • Eggs salad or chicken salad wraps

  • Brown rice sushi

  • Chicken sausages

Hiking and walking can be a version of play too!

Hiking and walking can be a version of play too!

Tip #4: Make time to play! When we are back in our routine of having kids back at school, our days are often full of commitments and structure. While structure is great for kids, it’s also important to allow our kids and ourselves time to play freely, laugh, create, and move. By exercising creativity and free play, it can help reduce anxiety and improve overall mood and energy. 

Tip #5: Establish a sleep routine for yourself and your family. What that might look like:

  • Taking a bath/shower, then reading, sharing gratitude, bed

  • Journaling, using essential oils, 5 minutes of mediation, bed

  • Whatever you decide on, stay consistent with your routine and bed time! With a routine, you are signaling to your brain that it’s time to wind down and rest and you’re letting your body stay regular with its internal clock. 

Sources and additional reading: